Groupe de collaboration en matière d’accès aux aliments de Prescott et Russell 

The Prescott-Russell Food Access Collaborative has been honoured in recognition of the collective effort of community partners to address food insecurity in Prescott-Russell. Food insecurity is prevalent across Ontario and data has shown that rural communities are significantly affected. In Eastern Ontario, where Prescott-Russell is located, approximately 1 in 8 households do not have enough money to buy food.   

The work done by the Prescott-Russell Food Access Collaborative aims to better understand the food and peripheral social systems of Prescott-Russell; to gain a true understanding of systemic challenges, unite stakeholders working across the community food system, and identify specific opportunities or initiatives that can help ensure that everyone in Prescott Russell has access to the food they need. 

Apprenez-en plus à propos du récipiendaire du Prix de bâtisseur communautaire de l’année.